Thursday, March 14, 2013

Priority VS. Option

Ok I saw this on someone elses page but thought it was worth the review!
"Never make someone your priority, when your just their option"
Interesting thought in theory, however isn't that what cyber media is all about? Taking the time to possibly connect with someone who may not obviously be thinking about you? On a constant bases though you could probably use it as a rule of thumb! Am I making time in my life for this person and in all honesty just wasting precious minutes that I will never see again? Is this waste of time worth the loss of energy, respect, and money? Something to think about at least with your daily life, whether it be a "in love", a "client", a "coworker, or a "friend"!


Would you like me to give you the formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure ... You're thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all ... You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you'll find success. On the other side of failure. - Thomas J. Watson, Sr.

Memories 12/15/06

I have been blessed over the years to have many wonderful memories as a child, an adult, and know as a wife and mom. However, one of my most cherished memories is the Christmas of 1998. Why you ask? As usual we had put up the tree at my Grandfather's it was the first thing you would see when you passed his house because he had this huge beautiful window on the front. It was as if it was a frame for the tree! All the lights were placed perfectly even apart because he had done them with his exact engineering minded measurements (just kidding, well not really)! Christmas had come and gone and it was time to start thinking of putting it away for the year. So he asked me which weekend would be good. I'm not into taking the tree down. I enjoy them so much! I love sleeping under them and just watching them! I mean how can you not feel at least a little bit of joy when you look at all those beautiful lights twinkling?!? In response I had a brilliant idea let's leave it up till my graduation! He was so proud of me! He believed in me and knew how long I had worked for this achievement! (I'm not slow or anything it was 3 years but any accomplishment endures struggles)! (If you don't agree with my idea of how He felt don't tell me let me live in my ignorant bliss, just kidding) Realizing how much it meant to me he agreed to my holiday terms! So if you drove past his house from Christmas'98 through May'99 you have me to thank for that beautiful tree that was a symbol for; pride, excitement, trust, love, family, and with the knowledge of great things to come!

Peace 1/23/08

Where the soul is full of peace and joy,
outward surroundings and circumstances
are of comparatively little account.
-Hannah Whitall Smith

Appreciate Each Moment! 2/22/08

When I look into the the morning sky, I thank the Lord for all things new
for when tomorrow comes today will be my past
don't regret the day, or you'll regret your past
appreciate the moment that your in, or miss something to cherish
I love this day, I love my family, I love this moment!