Monday, September 29, 2014

Pretty Woman

Do you remember that moment. . . That moment when Julia Roberts is in total shock because Richard Gere's lawyer Edward knew her secret and approached her.  That utter shock.  Her past, her present had literally slapped her in the face and given her whip lash.  She wasn't ashamed of who she was.  She was not hiding who she was.  Her trust had turned into a treasured gossip!  Now I know that this is not the most Christian based movie, but lets face it, if you are a hopeless romantic, a daydreaming girl you have seen this movie and love it!  It is after all a classic!  All sins can turn into sermons ;)  Can you stretch and reach with me a bit?  What is your testimony?  No, you may not be Julia, but we all have a past!  Do you share your testimony?  All of it?  Do you know all of it?  (I'm still realizing my true, extremely detailed testimony)  Are you careful who you share it with?  Does anybody care to ask?  I don't hide my life!  Honestly, besides my husband I do not have a close enough friend that has asked nor cared to get to know me enough to actually hear mine!  Then again I don't go and blurt my past out!  I prefer not to get verbal whip lash when that Julia Robert's moment happens and your trust has turned into the next best gossip!  I am proud of who I am through Jesus!  I am always growing!  I'm not perfect, but I am always improving!  If by chance you do here about my life, thank you for being such a wonderful friend!

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